Friday, July 8, 2011

Our trip to Las Cruces via Ruidoso NM

We took a trip to Las Cruces to be with Eugene's brother Merv and other family members on May 13, 2011.  On our way, we went through the beautiful mountains at Ruidodo, New Mexico.  We spent the night with our Senior Missionaries there.  Elder William Lee and his wife Sister Cheryl Lee from West Bountiful.  The next morning they took us on a tour of the area.


The Mescalero Branch attends church in this smaller chapel on the Mescalero Apache Resurvation.             

 The Lees took us out to dinner an a very nice buffet, complete with paintings and sculptures of many of the Apache Indian in the area.  Costumes and traditions were displayed throughout the building.

In Texas EVERY Dairy Queen proudly displays their state flag.  Some on the ceiling, some on the seats, some on the tables, some on the walls.  Texans are mighty proud of their state and their flag.  When we got to NM - the interior decorating was GONE!  
The missile was small for a missile.  Reminded you of a toy.   However, the "toy" train was huge!  Remarkably the size of a real train...