Eugene developed a problem with his left foot. It is called Plantar Fascitis. It is an inflamation of the fascia (that's the tendon that connects the front of the foot with the heel.) It was getting pretty painful. Our son James suggested that he get a pair of "five finger shoes". A lot of people who have feet problems like that, find them very helpful in the healing process. Sooo, on a whim, we stopped at a sporting goods store on our way home from the office. It took him a while to figure out how to get all of his little piggies into the toes of the shoes, but, in the end - sure enough, we take home a new pair of really, really strange looking shoes.
This little piggy went to market!
I think I need help!
Yes! She works here. Texas dress code is comfy - not formal. And she knew what she was doing. Because 30 minutes later ---
Eugene had a new pair of comfy (expensive - but comfy) shoes. It's like being barefoot but keeps your feet cleaner! (I think he was trying to tell me something!!!)